March 9 - April 7


Gearhart artist David Savinar wishes people would enjoy life and smile more. Corporate media and social platforms tactility fill our minds with perpetual turmoil and impending disaster. David Savinar makes paintings that remind people to “smile, it’s art.”

His exhibit, on view March 9 through April 7, presents a series of new portraits titled “Savinar People”, which are created to make the viewer feel good. David loves the beach and people and often uses them as subjects in his art to tell a story—a lighthearted one, filled with color and whimsical lines and friends.

From a young age, Savinar was inspired by New Yorker magazine cover artists. He is a fan of Guy Billout, Saul Steinberg, Peter Arno, George Booth and William Steig and Roz Chast. He attended the appropriate schools and universities where he was classically trained in fine arts, allowing him to produce a wide variety of styles in lots of mediums from realistic to abstract.

He and his cohort, Janelle Baglien, own and operate The Station in Gearhart, a dual artist studio and gallery.

Chat up this charming fellow during Astoria’s Artwalk on March 9 from 5:00 to 7:00pm.